Saturday 28 January 2012

What next...

TCS 10 K in June 2010 was my first brush with quasi marathons…Since “Sunfeast” used to sponsor it, I decided to give it a shot and started preparing from Jan. Hazzaar surfing on net, strategies on diet, running, outdoor running etc were drawn and followed. Record of timings, improvements etc were kept and scientifically tracked. Had a good run, under 60 mins…
Initially it was a target setting and beating exercise (as usual) but I don’t know when I actually started enjoying it. “Endorphin” rush I am told.  A half marathon after that, another one due in Feb and I am sure it would go on.
What does it give me? Fitness, pleasure, feeling of well being, good sleep, stress busting and above all feeling of no guilt after a round of good beer…
Now all the science is thrown out of the window and I listen to my body on the eating, drinking and effort requirement….
I don’t run with music in my ears, I talk to myself (till I can) while I run. My wife asked me what do I think while I am running. Good question, I said. I will have to think…. I guess I concentrate on my running, enjoy the thoughts and after some time get numb on thinking…. but interesting thought, will concentrate on my thoughts from now onwards while running…
And these days, is it my imagination or is it actually getting popular in India? Also, a friend commented that it seems like a middle age syndrome now…
Whatever it may be “keep running”….

1 comment:

  1. One of my colleague is also a Marathon Runner. Almost I heard the same thing from him as you narrated. The process of preparation for the marathon gives atmost pleasure rather than the the event itself. Have the satisfaction of reading well articulated feeling
